
You're watching 'Lost In This Game' by JOL. A rebel cat and her bear buddies, on a mission to decipher why humans make bad decisions, meet up at a copyparty in the digital dimension. In parallel a robot challenges a promising (but still only human) young boy. Can the stupidity of mankind be confirmed?

Also available on spotify.


The first idea for the song came after a visit to Japan in 2014. “We saw many new places and sides of Japan and was inspired and moved from everything between anime culture to the Hiroshima peace memorial museum.” It would take until 2021 before this idea turned into a final song and music video. While the work is not telling about any real world scenarios it captures real emotions like fragility, fear and love.

The video is created by JOL and character designer, ERI. Title calligraphy by Mie Shiono. In JOLs music video Himari a multitude of emotions intertwine. Something frightening and provocative underlies the visuals of a young woman in a dreamy adventure. Also available on spotify.